
About Me

I’m a web developer and freelance writer who’s dedicated to the merging of science and art in tech spaces.
Programming is our way of writing to machines and creating disruptive technologies.
I’m fascinated by the power of programming to create positive change in the world, and always looking into different projects to be an active part of that vision.

More About Me

I was born and raised in Cairo, and studied in the U.S. and Sweden. I graduated in Class 2017 with a Bachelor of Science with special attainments in Commerce from Washington and Lee University (W&L). Combining business, economics, and politics, I was the Gunn Scholar for the academic year 2016-2017 at W&L.

I enjoy exploring and navigating different cultural aspects, especially through the lens of language and food. I also speak English, Arabic, French, and (a little bit of) Swedish.

Programming Skills

Some of my Recent Projects


Quote Generator with API

As part of Mimo Dev's web development program, we created a randomized quote Generator using third-party API.
Using: HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript

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2D Animation

First foray into Game Dev and 2D animation. Using only vanilla JavaScript, this feral-looking dog is now alive.

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React Recipe App with API

Learned how to create a react recipe app and navigated the nuanes of useState and useEffect, as well as BrowserRouter. Using: ReactJS

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Get In Touch With Me

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